Planning Process

Generally, this is the schedule of activities clients may expect:

Planning Process Six Meetings With Financial Advisor
Free, No-Obligation, Virtual Introductory Meeting with Financial Advisor

Complimentary virtual meeting for you to learn more about Embolden Financial Planning and to ask any questions.
Meeting Time: 30 minutes

Discovery Meeting, Virtual Zoom, Discuss Goals, Concerns, Unique Needs and Objectives with Financial Advisor

A virtual meeting focusing on your concerns, goals, desires, unique needs and objectives.

Meeting Time: 1 to 2 hours

Get Organized Meeting, Virtual Zoom, Gather and Share Personal Financial Information with Financial Advisor

A virtual meeting focused on gathering up and sharing your financial information. EFP will assist you with linking your accounts to our secure financial planning platform.

Meeting Time: 1 to 2 hours

Explore Possibilities Meeting, Virtual Zoom, Review Goals and Priorities with Financial Advisor

A virtual meeting to review your current financial status and set goals and priorities for your financial plan.

Meeting Time: 1 to 2 hours

Plan Delivery Meeting, Virtual Zoom, Financial Plan Strategies and Implementation with Financial Advisor

A virtual meeting to view your financial goal plan. A detailed discussion of financial strategies, recommendations, and guidance on implementation.

Meeting Time: 1 to 2 hours

Ongoing Financial Planning, Review, Touch Base, Advice From Financial Advisor

Embolden Financial Planning will always be available to assist with plan implementation and to address additional financial planning questions. EFP recommends a plan review meeting, at least annually, to track progress and update as needed.

Be Emboldened.

Take the next step and schedule a free, no-obligation,
virtual introductory meeting.